Though I am arguably a latecomer in the One Direction fandom, the five-member boy band has undoubtedly played an integral role in my life. My love story with them began two years after their official debut as a musical group when they did an Oscar-worthy guest performance on the world’s greatest television show, iCarly. I didn’t believe in love at first sight before that episode, but from that moment forward, my eight-year-old heart began beating for a new reason: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne.
I wholeheartedly mean it when I say a new light shined in my life when I first laid eyes on these drop-dead gorgeous men. When Harry Styles got jungle worms—the fictional disease on iCarly—I was absolutely traumatized. In fact, this inspired me to take up BS Medical Biology in college to become a doctor and save these boys medically the way they saved me musically. Just like they said in their song Save You Tonight, I will sing to them, “I wanna save you, wanna save your heart tonight,” when I finally become a cardiologist.
Everyone talks about their K-pop biases, but I feel an ungodly need to talk about my beautiful One Direction bias, Louis Tomlinson. I have heard a fair share of mixed sentiments about him. Many believed he was the least interesting in the group. He even said it himself, “Niall is lovely, Zayn has the voice, Harry is cool, Liam gets the crowd going…then there’s me.” If I had the chance to, I’d tell him how wrong he was. In my opinion, he has the sweetest voice. Plus, he was the funniest. I don’t know what he was on when he said that. But honestly, as much as I love him, I cringed at his “sadboi” quote.
Loving the boy band from a young age, they were many of my first experiences. They were my first concert, first celebrity crushes, and first glimpse of the fangirl life. I clearly remember having bedroom walls covered in posters, calendars, and other types of One Direction merch. You can only imagine how soundly I slept with their protection and comfort around me. They also gave me a multitude of songs that inspired me to continue singing and playing my instruments as a musician myself. I’m telling you, if I ever win a Grammy, they’re the first people I’d thank in my speech.
Admittedly, during their latter albums after Zayn left the group—which, by the way, was my first heartbreak—I had a falling out with One Direction. I started discovering other artists during this time and did not give the boy band much thought. Even then, a new era of my Directioner life began when they started their solo careers.
Although Louis is and will always be my favorite member of One Direction, Harry as a solo artist just hits differently. His music is perfectly constructed. His writing, composition, and delivery are unreal. I am so proud of him. I am not surprised that he has been winning so many prestigious music awards and performing in front of crowds bigger than One Direction ever saw. When I saw him at his recent concert in the Philippine Arena, I literally felt as if I could die already. Seeing Harry Styles perform in sparkly bright clothes was all I needed to feel absolutely complete.
I believe many One Direction fans share similar views as me. These men have such a tight chokehold on so many people in this generation. They will definitely continue to be known as musical legends as the years go by. Thus, there is no way that I exaggerated any of my feelings and actions during this heartfelt expression of my love.